Peer-reviewed Articles:

Editor-reviewed Articles:


Book Chapters

  • Yaoyao Dai. 2024. "L’importanza del populismo non va esagerata.” In Capire il Populismo, ed. Mattia Zulianello and Petra Guasti. UTET (In Italian, other languages forthcoming).

Outreach Publications:

Under Review and Working Papers:

Works in Progress:

  • Yaoyao Dai, Matt Golder, Sona Golder, and Benjamin Radford. “Attributing Policy Influence: A Transfer Learning Approach with Transformers.”
  • Yaoyao Dai, Alexander Kustov, Candace Miller, and Benjamin Radford. “How Social Scientists Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Immigration: A big-data Analysis of Academic Articles over the Past Century.”